About Us
APARC investigates and advances technologies to address complexities of hearing and their profound impact on overall health and well-being.

A critical need for precision audiology
There is an urgent need for precision audiology to support targeted treatment, rehabilitation, and identification of population and individual-specific risk factors. APARC’s multidisciplinary team of experts envisions a future where personalized audiology becomes the norm across the lifespan, tailoring diagnoses and treatments to each individual.
Advancing research
By incorporating innovations in machine learning, AI and open-source technology development for mechanistic precision audiology, APARC can help to account for neurological and audiological variations among individuals to facilitate personalized treatment for all.
An open-source data hub of standardized hearing measures for researchers using AI-enabled analysis tools will create enhanced testing and treatment capabilities.
Through its research and outreach efforts, APARC can help to:
- Standardize audiological characterization across labs, departments and universities.
- Target recruitment based on specified hearing profiles.
- Create an open-source data hub of standardized hearing measures for researchers using AI-enabled analysis tools.
- Train audiologists, hearing scientists, students and other researchers from multiple disciplines.
Community outreach
APARC researchers are looking for innovative ways to address challenges associated with hearing loss, especially in low-resource urban and rural communities in the state. Indiana populations with elevated risk for untreated hearing loss include farmers, Indianapolis Motor Speedway workers and fans, and those with significant health disparities residing in underserved neighborhoods.
Contact us to learn more about our role in the community or to volunteer for a research study.

APARC is a hearing-health access point to the community. In addition to providing research-grade standardized hearing assessments for community members, APARC provides expert hearing health information, such as experiences and symptoms, testing, types of hearing loss, hearing aids and other resources.
Extending Purdue’s Expertise
APARC leverages Purdue’s internationally recognized expertise in audiology, auditory neuroscience and AI-driven data analytics, and brings together researchers from across the Departments of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Biological Sciences. APARC is a key part of the Purdue Institute for Integrative Neuroscience (PIIN), which is home to experts in neurodegeneration, neurodevelopmental disorders, and neurotrauma and houses the Audiology Research Diagnostics Core, a key facility with which APARC works with seamlessly. Together, these facilities are creating a large and diverse human-data resource that is being synergized with Purdue’s NIH- and DoD-funded mechanistic animal research on West Lafayette’s campus.
Meet our team
APARC’s multidisciplinary team of experts envisions a future where personalized audiology becomes the norm across the lifespan, tailoring diagnoses and treatments to each individual.
Contact Us
Email us at APARC@purdue.edu